So today was amazing.Spent oodles of time with the family and Bama won the SEC Championship but other than that I took a pic of our lights outside. They are supposed to make a star but the cats keep jumping and pulling the lights down. They really do not like them.
So not gonna lie I forgot to take a pic today so I just uploaded this random pic onmy camera from and my bro goofing off like always
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This is me
Lover of saving money*Disney in all forms*Fluent potty mouth*Pretty Cupcakes*Shooting stars*Cold mountain days*Liverpool and London*One Direction*Florence and the Machine*Warm beachy sand*Bama football*baking*color green*Gone With The Wind*Flats and floral shirts*Pearls*Starbucks*rainy days*cuddles*black and white pics*country music*My best friend Janelle*love*crunchie bars*cardigans*makeup*iced tea*southern vintage*being barefoot*old tv shows*being a big sister*