My picture today is one that is important to me.. Its not one I took today but it gives meaning to a big part of me.. Jordan was a close friend I meet when we were little and then worked with, this past may he took his life.. No one will ever know what issues he was facing even though we wish we could know. This is the first christmas without him and as I talked to his sister today she broke my heart. My heart aches for them and aches from missing him...
I have to admit my fav part of the day was playing guitar hero with my bro. We fight like hell but those few moments when we get along means the world to me..
So I didnt get a lick of sleep last night and like an hour nap this morning..Forgot to take a pic so I pulled this one out of our pics from when we went to florida after my gradmother died. I was exhausted and slept the whole way back..todayI just wanna sleep like this
so the wind was nutso and I thought it was gonna blow me away lol but it did this instead. Thank god the car had been moves. It also blew the curtain off one of our chicken houses.
So today was amazing.Spent oodles of time with the family and Bama won the SEC Championship but other than that I took a pic of our lights outside. They are supposed to make a star but the cats keep jumping and pulling the lights down. They really do not like them.
So not gonna lie I forgot to take a pic today so I just uploaded this random pic onmy camera from and my bro goofing off like always
Today our power wen tout at 1 in the process of cleaning and stayed out till close to 8 at night..when it started getting dark we lit candles was an exhausting day
Today was my moms birthday.She didnt ask for any gifts and didnt even ask for a cake. All she wanted was brownie=) She is the is the most amazing woman I know. I love her so much!!
Found this little booger the other day,he was super sick so we took him to the vet so he could get better. The perfect ending to my night..watching twilight and chating about it with my tss sisters
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This is me
Lover of saving money*Disney in all forms*Fluent potty mouth*Pretty Cupcakes*Shooting stars*Cold mountain days*Liverpool and London*One Direction*Florence and the Machine*Warm beachy sand*Bama football*baking*color green*Gone With The Wind*Flats and floral shirts*Pearls*Starbucks*rainy days*cuddles*black and white pics*country music*My best friend Janelle*love*crunchie bars*cardigans*makeup*iced tea*southern vintage*being barefoot*old tv shows*being a big sister*